Sunday, February 10, 2008

Anyone fly Sun Country?

I didn't do anything but relax today so this is my post.... Does anyone fly Sun Country? Well the next time you do see if there is anyone on the plane that looks like Willy Wonka. As you see on image number 5 when everyone is running out the door there seems to be a man in a purple tux and top hat... Yeah the next time I fly I might just have to rent that from a costume shop. Ha. If you ever get the chance to see this brochure it is hilarious! Just above this in the "How to brace yourself for a crash" there is a ballerina with a tutu! I checked to see the last time it was updated and it was in July of 07. Wow. I think it is great that art directors can let this slide. Well if you have to make light of the situation, what better way than to add a ballerina and Willy Wonka? I can't think of one. It definitely caught my attention. I love flying Sun Country. 

1 comment:

kevin caldwell said...

Yeah man, Ive seen that! wtf? Hes in such a hurry his tails are flapping. Tails?!